GSoC 2015 project - AskFedora UX/UI & Functionality Overhaul

Kalpani Anuradha anuradha.12 at
Sat Mar 21 16:44:56 UTC 2015


I'm Anuradha Welivita from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. I am very
much into UX/UI related stuff and hence really look forward in contributing
towards this project.

While searching for a UX/UI related project for me to contribute in GSoC
2015, I came intact with the project idea "AskFedora UX/UI & Functionality
Overhaul". By looking at the mock ups provided I was more than happy to
commit myself in developing the design idea for Ask Fedora.

But I am quite new to FOSS development and Fedora. I have created my FAS
User account and I am interested in joining the Design Team of Fedora as

As the deadline for student applications close in few days I would like to
have a go in competing for getting a chance to contribute for this project.

Anuradha Welivita
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