AskFedora Redesign Attempt

Kalpani Anuradha anuradha.12 at
Sun May 24 17:13:47 UTC 2015

Hi everyone,

I'm Anuradha Welivita from Sri Lanka. I'm working on the project AskFedora
UX/UI and functionality overhaul for GSoC this summer. I'm a person who is
very much interested in UX and UI related stuff and that is the main reason
behind me for taking up this project.

I'm hoping to become a member of the fedora design team as well and I have
done writing some blog articles about the experience I'm having by working
on this project. I have also come up with some mockups using Inkscape and
if you are interested you can view those too in my blog here

Thank you
Anuradha Welivita
Undergraduate | Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Sri Lanka
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