was there an advertised ETA for the next beta?

Féliciano Matias feliciano.matias at free.fr
Tue Aug 12 03:44:12 UTC 2003

Le lun 11/08/2003 à 23:07, Rik van Riel a écrit :
> If you have other cool ideas on what should be included,
> don't hesitate to let us know ;)

Sorry for my poor English.

I would like to see RHLP to be more open and more visible.

I don't talk about license. I am talking about communication.

For example i was surprised by the adding of yum and samba 3.0 without
any communication from RedHat. I would like something better than
checking rawhide.
Something that Taroon already has :
A "what's new" web page ?

Also, RedHat have closed the rhl.redhat.com website and nobody knows why
and nobody knows what is currently going on.

Perhaps Redhat can create the "RedHat weekly news" as Debian do :

I don't know if this is currently possible but I would a mailing-list
that report events from bugzilla. Mostly new bugs and status change (not
only of my own bugs).

A better communication can make the project more exciting and can bring
back more users/testers/hackers.

Now that RHL is a project, I hope there will be more rawhide users. I
appreciate if RedHat keeps the two or three last rpm of each packages in
case if something goes wrong. At least the src.rpm.

Right now I don't want to ask for more packages. RedHat can't handle all
projects and I want RHL to be a solid distribution (the unix way) rather
than an "all in one" distribution that sucks. Especially since
freshrpms, fedora and some other does a really good job. But i am
disappointed to don't see ACL in the kernel. ACL are in beta RH8.0 and
9. Now that they are in a productive state ACL is only in RHE. I know
that ACL is not in the upstream. But can you consider to bring it back ?
Please :-) Or it's a too big job since ACL will be in 2.6 and
cambridge++ ?

The last but not least, and it's the third request without any reply,
can you provide +user+ mailing-list for none English speakers ?

Féliciano Matias <feliciano.matias at free.fr>
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