was there an advertised ETA for the next beta?

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Tue Aug 12 05:37:20 UTC 2003

> > Also, RedHat have closed the rhl.redhat.com website and nobody knows why
> > and nobody knows what is currently going on.
> This will get resolved, just hang in there.

out of curiosity - will we ever learn _why_ it was taken down?
That'd do a lot to show us that red hat is trying to operate in an open

The questions about the website have gotten a lot of the "red
wall-of-nda'd-silence". Kinda irritating: 'yes, we'd like to be more
open'. 'no, we can't tell you why we took a website down'.

> I'd like to see someone external contribute this (once we have
> the web site back and some other basics).

that sounds like a good idea.

> > Now that RHL is a project, I hope there will be more rawhide users. I
> > appreciate if RedHat keeps the two or three last rpm of each packages in
> > case if something goes wrong. At least the src.rpm.
> That seems like a useful idea. I don't know how hard it would be
> (there are mirrors, scripts, etc. to think about).

It might be worthwhile to talk to the mirrors-list and see if there
would be some merit in changing the layout of the ftp site some. Maybe
make a separation b/t the RHLP-type files and the RHEL-type files.

I can imagine a lot more sites being interested in carrying RHLP-type
files but not as interested in the RHEL-type files. (like the betas for
RHEL, and the other misc files) For example - a 17GB Taroon beta was
touch excessive ;)

I was talking to someone on irc the other day and they asked why didn't
red hat make RHLP a semi-external project like openoffice.org is to sun.

I honestly didn't have an answer. Why not do that?


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