
Mike mike at
Fri Aug 15 23:33:09 UTC 2003

On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 20:19, Jef Spaleta wrote:
> >Isn't it a good thing to find out the truth?
> Is it a good thing to make baseless,factless accusations in public? 
> Aren't we encouraging the continued creation of baseless accusations if
> we jump to respond to each and every one which come to past?  
> You have to take the track-record of the accuser into account when
> evaluating accusations based on "private" conversations from "inside"
> sources.If the person making the public accusation has a history of
> crying wolf...or over-blowing the situation to inflame passions because
> of a specific bias...should that person continue to receive the same
> level of respectful discourse in the future? At some point, the person
> repeated looking for public answers to private rumors, looses
> credibility...and looks more like a source of rumor making...than
> someone looking for "the truth." Féliciano's judgements about mosfet's
> longterm interests and motivations probably have a more certain "truth"
> than some rumors. I think i heard Fox News was going to offer mosfet a
> job to do reporting about IT...becuase he his commentary meets a certain
> standard of unbaisedness and factuality.

couldn't agree more

to emphasize the the point there is now an "update" on the original
pclinuxonline story, saying that the "rumour" is baseless

question - why couldn't mosfet have asked p in the first place?
(and so not have posted this crap everywhere)

> -jef"the answers to the questions here are no,yes,no"spaleta     

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