lost the GNOME panel, how do I get it back?

Elton Woo elwoo at videotron.ca
Sat Aug 16 17:19:49 UTC 2003

On August 16, 2003 01:04 pm, Peter Backlund <peter.backlund at home.se> wrote:
> > HOW do I get back the default panel?
> Go back in time and undo the decision to install rawhide packages. If you
> don't know the answer to that, you shouldn't be running stuff from rawhide.
> Enough with the lecturing...downgrade to gnome-panel from severn, and/or
> delete your ~/.gnome dir.
> /Peter
I *am* aware of the dangers of using packages from rawhide.
If one does not make mistakes, one does not really *learn*, n'est pas?
Or, I could simply run Microsoft Windows, and if anything goes wrong,
sit there and go: "Duh!".

(FWIW, that's how I learned OS/2, first by breaking stuff, without really
knowing how or why, and afterwards by *knowingly* deleting the hidden
system files...)


("my newbiness is most dreadfully terrific!" ... to paraphrase Harry
Ramjeet Ramsingh - a character in the Billy Bunter books).

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