Minimal Install Option

Jack Aboutboul jaboutboul at
Thu Aug 21 09:13:59 UTC 2003

On Thursday, Aug 21, 2003, at 09:35 Asia/Jerusalem, Bill Anderson wrote:
> Wouldn't it be great if the Minimal Install option meant what it said?
> Who seriously believe NIS belongs on a firewall?? Minimal states it is
> for such things as firewalls. Minimal install for a firewall doesn't
> mean include all the little servers, etc.. If it is for a firewall (as
> the option says), NFS, NIS, for example do not belong there.
	Seriously. This is also in response to Jeff's earlier posting as well. 
The minimal install now has way too many packages in it. NIS is not 
needed along with a lot of the other stuff there.  I'm just trying to 
figure out the logic of having it in the minimal install. If you tell 
me that it's there for people who need to auth against NIS, I can tell 
you that in that case you should also include ldap, 
nss_ldap/libnss_ldap, and pam_ldap. I think that maybe some changes are 
in order. But thats just my opinion.


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