Reason for the change

Simon Perreault nomis80 at
Mon Jul 21 15:34:05 UTC 2003

First, thanks a lot for making Red Hat Linux more open and friendly to the 
community! I'm sure you'll get tons of thanks in code and patches too.

Anyone care to explain the reason for the change? Something other than "it was 
the right thing to do", which we know it was. I mean, Red Hat is a business, 
and it's not often we see businesses opening products for community input 
this way. Where did the push come from? Was any particular person or group 
more involved than others? Any big market factors? How long has it been in 
the planning?

Granted, this is not as big a surprise as if Microsoft did that to Windows, 
but still, I am shocked! :)

Simon Perreault <nomis80 at>

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