Red Hat Switch Printer?

Tim Waugh twaugh at
Mon Jul 21 22:40:25 UTC 2003

On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 04:38:11PM -0400, Jeremy Portzer wrote:

> Perhaps if you're upgrading from a previous installation, and have LPR
> installed, it will remain installed?  What's the normal precedent for
> deprecated packages when performing an upgrade?    Are they actually
> deleted, or do they remain with the old version?

Actually no: for this beta, cups has an 'Obsoletes: LPRng' tag so that
LPRng is removed and replaced with cups.  The current
redhat-config-printer tool can no longer write out correct
configuration files for LPRng/foomatic-3.0.0, which is one of the
reasons for leaving LPRng out.

However it might be that there are things that redhat-switch-printer
does that 'rpm -Uvh cups-*' won't do, and if so that's probably worth
a bugzilla report.  I think the 'alternatives' links should already be
handled, but there may be a 'printconf-backend --force-rebuild'
missing somewhere.

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