Cambridge++ ...what?

James Ralston qralston+ml.rhl-beta at
Tue Jul 22 05:06:28 UTC 2003

On 1970-01-01 at 02:46:40-0800 Jesse Keating <hosting at> wrote:

> On Monday 21 July 2003 19:41, Tim Powers wrote:
> > Cambridge was/is the internal name for what's known as Severn.
> > It's kind of a project name rather than a release name.
> Not exactly.

No offense Jesse, but I think Tim (a Red Hat employee) is probably
more qualified to describe what Cambridge is than you are.  ;)

As an aside, even if nothing else comes of RHLP, I'm happy that at
least now I *know what the internal name is*.  It's the same sort of
relief that members of the media must have felt after Prince changed
his name from that star-squiggle-thing back to just "Prince", so they
could retire this expression:

    "the artist formerly known as Prince"

Now I can retire expressions like this:

    "the next release of Red Hat Linux"
    "the release for which [NAME] is the beta"
    "the x.y or z.w release of Red Hat Linux"

Instead, I can simply say "Cambridge", or "Cambridge++".

And then look smug when my colleagues ask me what the hell a
"Cambridge" is.  ;)

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