Graphical boot isn't so graphical

Samuel Flory sflory at
Thu Jul 24 01:25:55 UTC 2003

Havoc Pennington wrote:

>On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 at 07:18:14PM -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote: 
>>I'd say the objectives derive from an overall vision of a "mainstream
>>general-purpose operating system," and I don't think that basic vision
>>is likely to change; so objectives that conflict with it aren't likely
>>to be added.
>Should add a couple of caveats to that vision, which are also listed
>on the objectives page. We want Red Hat Linux to be leading edge and
>frequently updated, and it's intended to contain a broader variety of
>software some of which may be niche or
>not-yet-ready-for-wide-audience. So it does have some bias toward
>users who want latest-and-greatest stuff and want to try out a range
>of software (have more choices), even if not all the software is
>"fully productized."

  Is seeing something like apt-get out of the question?  While I like 
up2date even my rhn as entiltlement downloads are slower than mirrors, and freshrpms.  (Of course this is likely do to the fact I'm 
within several miles of  Not to mention the speed of my 
local apt repository.

Once you have their hardware. Never give it back.
(The First Rule of Hardware Acquisition)
Sam Flory  <sflory at>

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