
Samuel Flory sflory at rackable.com
Thu Jul 24 19:12:34 UTC 2003

Panu Matilainen wrote:

>Quoting Roberto Berto' <roberto at desenvolve.com.br>:
>>Do some one knows how I can configure apt-get to update redhat 9 to the
>>beta one?
>Add pointer to apt-enabled severn-repository to /etc/apt/sources.list, at least
>Fedora has one:
>"rpm http://download.fedora.us/fedora redhat/9.0.93/i386 os updates stable"
>..and then run dist-upgrade. Beware, you're stepping to largely untested grounds
>here, I don't recall seeing success/failure reports of the process. Chances are
>it works just fine but you never know until you try - trying it out on a
>crash-test-dummy box first is heavily recommended.

  This seems to be working.  You may want to add a few of the new 
packages.  It does take a while.  It was the easiest way to upgrade my 
laptop which runs reiserfs.  Now I've got something that will really 
blow my debian's friends minds.  A live upgrade of Red Hat from the network.

Once you have their hardware. Never give it back.
(The First Rule of Hardware Acquisition)
Sam Flory  <sflory at rackable.com>

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