Feature Request

Samuel Flory sflory at rackable.com
Thu Jul 24 23:06:50 UTC 2003

Benjamin Vander Jagt wrote:

>I switched to ReiserFS, because my brother and I simply couldn't play
>Quake3 or Unreal Tournament 2003 when every ten minutes, we'd get slowed
>to nearly a halt while the hard drive goes nuts.
>Plus, I used to get a lot of power outages.  Ext3 has, a few times, been
>totally destroyed (even fsck doesn't find data) where I have *never*
>lost *any* data to ReiserFS, even on two test hard drives that were
>loaded with bad sectors.  When I switched to ReiserFS, I did so for the
>performance, believing all the rhetoric that it wasn't as reliable as

  This has been my  experience as well.  I maintain Rackable's burnin 
setup which runs under linux.  I've shifted to rieserfs as it is far 
less likely to leave me in a unusable state if I blow a fuse in a rack 
and down 40 systems in Cerberus burnin.  There use to be issues with it 
in the early days, but reiserfs is rock solid for me.  And yes I'm run 
at 100s of systems thru 24-48 burnin.  And yes my burnin tests includes 
a looped data corruption test on every drive.

Once you have their hardware. Never give it back.
(The First Rule of Hardware Acquisition)
Sam Flory  <sflory at rackable.com>

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