RH recommends using Windows?

nosp nosp at xades.com
Tue Nov 4 18:31:24 UTC 2003

On Tue, 2003-11-04 at 17:59, Lorenzo Prince wrote:
>   Telling people to stay with 
> Micros**t Virusware and not to switch to Linux because of the current lack of apps and drivers that the home user is 
> expecting is not going to increase the availability of those apps and drivers that home users need.  As a famous 
> mistical disembodied voice in the movie "Field of Dreams" once said, "If you build it, shey will come."  So, we must 
> keep building Linux for the desktop.  We must also, however, get more people using it, so that more people will help 
> build it.

It is definitely dangerous, but then again, I don't think going after
the desktop is a viable business proposition right now.  He should be
honest.  I saw an analyst say that Novell now has an
"enterprise-to-desktop" strategy.  If that's right, what other software
company has succeeded there?  None (sorry, MS does NOT own the
enterprise).  Why will Novell be different?  Umm...Linux?  No, of course

Let the corporate users pay for & improve hardware support for a bit
longer; the great thing is that without them realizing it those
improvements will be passed on to the community (thank you, RedHat +
FAOS/GPL).  When IBM or the German government can't run its Webcast
software cause the hardware vendor hasn't got a linux driver, the vendor
is going to get a lot of pressure.  That's the type of process that is
not finished now but will inexorably grind away at the one competitive
advantage MS has: the stable revenue stream of a massive installed
base.  Increase that installed base -- e.g., by "enterprise"
installations -- and in five years Redhat will be saying the opposite:
Linux is now ready for the desktop.

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