Extreme pain trying to report bugs with Fedora Test 3

Andy Green fedora at warmcat.com
Wed Nov 5 13:40:34 UTC 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 05 November 2003 13:30, Paul W. Frields wrote:

> Great idea, to make this part of firstboot. That would also be an ideal
> time to not just ask the question, but mention what bugzilla is for. If
> there is going to be a FAQ as someone mentioned, I would make that part

Disagree -- firstboot is a bit evil because it is oneshot.  They might decide 
later they do want Bugzilla and have to find access another way, that's a 
MSFT-type clippy-kinda-fragile-helpful trick.

Besides, personally I click click click through any such impediments to get to 
the OS to find if my apps are still working :-)   Then I might relax later 
and want to hear about such things.  If it is on the desktop they are at 
least going to investigate it before deleting it.

Something on the "start applications" menu button might be good too.

Wherever you mention it, noting that its the place not just for bugs (BUGzilla 
is kind of perjorative) but for RFEs and sorta tech support would be good... 
as would pointing to the mls and ml archive.

- -Andy
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


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