What are consequences (the lack of freedom on the USA)

shrek-m at gmx.de shrek-m at gmx.de
Thu Oct 9 09:32:06 UTC 2003

Andre Verheij wrote:

>I think this person should be banned from the mailing list. 

i agree!

i was shocked by his statement too,

but give him a chance to explain or to apologize.
if he will not do this, let him unsubscribe himself.

if this will not work, ok.
then bann/unsubsribe him in a few days.

to Mr. Thiago Vinhas de Moreas:
from our neighbour-town (in germany near the frontier to france) were 
dying people in these aeroplanes and in the WTC,
i can assure you that i know nobody how can share your opinion.

- shrek-m (germany)


From: Thiago Vinhas de Moraes <thiago at jampanight.com.br>
To: fedora-test-list at redhat.com
Subject: Re: What are consequences (the lack of freedom on the USA)
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 19:11:13 -0300
X-Mailer: Ximian Evolution 1.4.4 (1.4.4-7) 

Em Seg, 2003-09-22 às 18:54, Alan Cox escreveu:
> Fedora being US based is not a solution and was not a solution for those
> non US citizens entitled to use some things that US citizens are forbidden.
> Its no different to everything else - multiregion DVD players are the norm
> except in the USA, but that doesn't mean US citizens can safely import
> them or that the ability to import them 'solves the problem'
> For non US citizens solving the problem means solving it outside the USA
> without US companies help.

It's sad to say, but like all the people on the world, I loved to see
the two WTC towers going down.




From: Thiago Vinhas de Moraes <tvinhas at techbyte.com.br>
To: fedora-test-list at redhat.com
Subject: Re: Graphical boot issues: a.o. graphical boot twice slower then text boot!!!
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2003 18:04:25 -0300
X-Mailer: Ximian Evolution 1.4.5 (1.4.5-2) 

Em Qua, 2003-10-08 às 18:01, Bill Nottingham escreveu:


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike A. Harris [mailto:mharris at redhat.com] 
>Sent: Thursday, 9 October 2003 5:35 PM
>To: fedora-test-list at redhat.com
>Subject: Re: What are consequences (the lack of freedom on the USA)
>On Mon, 22 Sep 2003, Thiago Vinhas de Moraes wrote:
>>It's sad to say, but like all the people on the world, I loved to see 
>>the two WTC towers going down.
>This is an absolutely disgusting and disturbing statement in 
>every way imaginable.  To state publically that you personally 
>approved of the wholesale slaughtering of thousands of innocent 
>lives in one of the most gruesome acts of terror to happen within 
>our livetimes does not say much for you as a human being.
>I'm disgusted enough by this to consider unsubscribing from this list.

-- shrek-m

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