Red Hat Professional Workstation

Edward C. Bailey ed at
Fri Oct 10 19:16:47 UTC 2003

>>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas Dodd <ted at> writes:

Thomas> Edward C. Bailey wrote:
>>>>>>> "leam" == leam <leam at> writes:
leam> So thre is a *new* product? I thought the advantage of RHEL WS was
leam> "same codebase" as the RHEL ES/AS; is the "Professional Workstation"
leam> in effect RH 10?
>> No, it's not.

Thomas> So what is it Ed?

Thomas> There are like zero details on the Red Hat page.  I don't even know
Thomas> where to buy it, what it costs, let alone whay I would be buying.

The information on that page represents 99% of my knowledge of the
product.  The other one percent was reflected in my comment above... :-)

Ed Bailey        Red Hat, Inc.

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