Add/Remove Application Bug

Jim Cornette redhat-jc at
Thu Oct 16 23:48:30 UTC 2003

Tony Savage wrote:
> When trying to add/remove packages in the Add/Remove Application window,
> GUI in KDE, it asks for CD1, when I click "OK" it pauses for about 2
> seconds, then puts then asks for CD1 again.  Anyone else having this
> problem and know of a way to stop it from doing this?  All CD's are
> checksum'd too, so thats not where this error is coming from.  Thanks.

I filed a bug against comps. It was reassigned to 
redhat-config-packages. There hasn't been activity posted on that bug 
since the re-assignment.

My assumption is that redhat-config-packages gets it's disc loaction 
information from comps.rpm. If the information is incorrect, then 
redhat-config-packages will ask for a disc in a different location than 
the program.

I've also had redhat-config-package ask for a disc for a program that 
was a dependacy for the program being installed. If your program 
requires a newer version than the one that is on the CD, it will still 
loop for disc insertion.

I think that we need more information, as users, as to what the heck the 
error is related to.In my caae it was lynx being moved to disc 1, 
instead of it's prior location on disc 3. I didn't know that lynx was on 
  disc 1 until file browsing.

A helpful addition to redhat-config-packages would be for the program to 
count the tries to disc whatever. Then error out with the third try or 
give you a "what's wrong" or "details" button where it would tell you 
RCP was trying to fetch package program-1.0.2, program version different 
or not found.

Then you should be able to abort, reselect your options or skip 
particular program where problem is encountered.

Also, it was discussed earlier that comps.rpm was thought by rpm to be 
older than the actually newer version of the program. Since it only 
counted to 9, then changed project name and went from 9.x.x to 0.x.x you 
will have to get the installation cd and run
rpm -U comps.rpm --oldpackage
  from the base directory on disc 1. It might be located in the RPMS 
directory also, I don't know, never looked there for it.


Nature makes boys and girls lovely to look upon so they can be
tolerated until they acquire some sense.
		-- William Phelps

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