Fedora Issues

ne... akabi at speakeasy.net
Mon Oct 20 19:53:35 UTC 2003

On Oct 20, 2003 at 11:01, Ed in a soothing rage wrote:

>I don't post often so bear with me.
>I am having serious problems with Fedora (every version, but now
>Beta3).  I just did a clean install of beta3 because I wanted a clean
>1. up2date just didn't work.  I gave up and tried yum.
>2. yum didn't work, ran for hours and kept popping up warnings about bad
But up2date and yum work fine. Make sure you have the most
recent versions. Check the list archives for various solutions
to this if you haven't already done so.

>I can live with package management now, but the thing that is killing me
>is that I can't compile a kernel-- ANY kernel.  Using gcc32, default
>configs from /configs directory, smp kernel, vanilla kernel from
>kernel.org, nothing will compile.  Everything fails with segmentation
>faults or other problems.  Has anyone compiled a stock RedHat kernel or
>vanilla kernel? How did RedHat compile them in the first place to create
>the binary RPMs?
As you know the configs from the /configs directory won't work
on a vanilla kernel from kernel.org. I note from other messages
in this thread that you do not overclock. I am not sure whether
exec-shield affects compiling. Look into it.

>Other problems with beta3:  
>- X randomly locks up when screensaver kicks in.  I have to reboot. 
Depending on the graf card you have, this has been known to happen
with the opengl screensavers. Try disabling them. I must say they
work fine on my Matrox G550.

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