Games doesent work in Fedora test 3

Bjorn Andersen ba at
Fri Oct 24 09:43:45 UTC 2003

The problem was solved. It was the XFree86-Mesa-libGL making trouble. 
After uninstalling with "rpm -e XFree86-Mesa-libGL --nodeps" evrything 
works fine. And I think that making Videogames working under 
RedHat/Fedora is the ONLY way to get Linux out to the masses...

NO homeuser will ever touch Linux if they cant play!

Bjorn Andersen

Mike A. Harris skrev:

>On Wed, 22 Oct 2003, Bjorn Andersen wrote:
>>>Oh we can care, but we can't do much about it, since we don't write the 
>>>nvidia binary drivers.  Nvidia has never supported beta releases of 
>>>Linux distributions.  Fedora Core is still in beta.  Once Fedora Core 1 
>>>is released, then you can expect some support from Nvidia, and have a 
>>>better argument when you contact nvidia for help.  Until then, tough.
>>Hmmm, its 75% of all OpenGL games that doesent work. I dont think thats 
>>an Nvidia problem.
>I'm not sure spending resources on making video games work in 
>Linux is the most useful use of Red Hat engineering resources.
>Video games will work better in Linux when there are more people 
>interested in video games working better spending their personal 
>time to volunteer to debug video drivers, etc. so that the games 
>run better.
>Alternatively, a company who thinks that video games in Linux are 
>a viable and attractive business model might decide to invest 
>money into making video game infrastructure better.
>Until either of those things happen, video games in Linux are
>nothing more than an extremely small hobbiest/enthusiast niche.
>That's the business reality of things anyway.  I'd love to see 
>video games work rock solid on all video hardware in Linux, but 
>that's not going to happen without a large number of volunteer 
>programmers getting their fingers dirty with gdb and debugging 
>DRI problems when they have them with OpenGL games, and 
>submitting patches.
>As for the proprietary driver side of things, well 3D games in
>Linux wont be much of a reality until both video game companies
>and video hardware companies both decide to improve the situation 
>because they see a viable business opportunity.  To date that 
>hasn't happened, and every single video game company that has 
>produced Linux versions of their games, has done so either at a 
>revenue loss, or has done so more or less as a charity thing 
>because they think Linux is just too cool to not make their game 
>available for.  id Software, and come to mind 
>immediately for the latter category.  I believe both companies 
>have stated publically they've never made enough money off of 
>Linux games to cover the costs involved with producing the game.  
>Someone would have to search google for quotes however.
>Games are cool, but not essential to business or the enterprise.  
>It's up to computer geeks such as ourselves to fix the problems 
>ourselves with our spare time as volunteers who care about games 
>working in Linux, if we want the situation to change.
>Personally, I'd love to spend a week or 2 nonstop hacking on 
>various DRI problems I see reported in games, but I can only 
>really justify doing that in my own personal spare time, and I 
>don't really have very much personal spare time.  The DRI project 
>is always looking for new volunteers however, and anyone who 
>thinks they can contribute is welcome to come and join our Monday 
>IRC meetings on #dri-devel on and to lurk in the 
>channel the rest of the week asking questions when developers are 
>around.  Usually myself, MrCooper, anholt are there, and 
>sometimes "idr" and others.  If we're not too busy, we're often 
>happy to lend a helping hand to an enthusiastic positive minded 
>person who has their X server sitting in gdb, and is poking 
>printk()s in the kernel DRM driver.  ;o)
>Also, I posted recently to xfree86-list that I spend some of my 
>spare time unfortunately having to vacuum my house, do the 
>dishes, and other cleaning tasks/chores...  If someone were to 
>come over on Saturday/Sunday and do this for me, it could free up 
>hours and hours of DRI debugging time.  ;o)
>/me runs

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