[qmail questions]

Rik van Riel riel at redhat.com
Thu Sep 4 17:20:37 UTC 2003

On Wed, 3 Sep 2003, Stephen Smoogen wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Sep 2003, Balint Cristian wrote:
> >	Is there an reason (legal,strategical) why qmail was not added
> >or why cant be added for future ? or too much MTAs is too much :)
> >someone want exim somewan want qmail.
> >	I think qmail is best, has a lot of plugins etc etc.
> qmail license does not allow for changes to the binary and di. Red Hat
> may not patch the code and distribute it.

Two reasons why this is bad (there are probably more):

1) initscripts and other things to get qmail going must
   be shipped in a separate RPM and cannot be shipped
   in the qmail RPM since that would be a modification

2) (IIRC) standard qmail doesn't know about attachments,
   so a virus sent to "unknownuser at domain.tld" would result
   in a bounce message with the virus attached to the
   (forged) sender ... which might be illegal in some
   countries, since you'd be knowingly helping with the
   distribution of email virusses ;))
   ... please correct me if I'm wrong and this issue has
   been fixed in a recent qmail release, if there was a
   recent release

kind regards,

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