RH10 multimedia support

Mark Hoover mahoover at ispaceonline.org
Mon Sep 8 04:04:43 UTC 2003

> --__--__--
> Well depending on how paranoid a business you are, Red Hat would need to
> get permission from each company organization that originated the code.
> IE Sun would have to give permission for Red Hat to link to its Java
> engine sites, Real for the old player, Apple for quicktime codecs, etc 
> etc. [Knowing how quick their lawyers seem to jump on infringers who 
> have pocket books.. I would probably be paranoid.]

Perhaps, just perhaps you're all thinking about this all wrong.  Instead 
of worrying about RedHat providing links to Java, and RealPlayer, etc. 
Perhaps instead we should be more worried about getting the vendors of 
said products to put prominent download links to their players on their 
website.  Nothing is more frustrating than trying to find some burried 
link to the linux version of their codec.

Note: I'm not fond of Macromedia's "installer" for their Flash plugin. 
I have this sinking feeling that I'll need to re-install it the next 
time I upgrade mozilla using the new RPM that'll come down the line.

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