beta/rawhide upgrade paths (was: New Kernel - athlon - Mozilla)

Jeremy Katz katzj at
Mon Sep 8 18:43:12 UTC 2003

On Mon, 2003-09-08 at 10:47, Axel Thimm wrote:
> Seriously though I strongly second Alexandre's objection. If you want
> people to track betas or rawhide at least they should be assured that
> upgrade paths work. Leave the 20 in there until 2.4.23 or strip the
> "1." from the revision number.
> Yes, rawhide is for breaking things, but please not the versioning :(

This happens regularly during the development cycle.  Always has and
until people are perfect, there's not much that can be done about it. 
Just have to strive to have it happen as rarely as possible.

The exact same caveats apply for the RHN channel that have always
existed for rawhide -- the main difference is that the barrier to entry
is lower.  


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