"Licensed" codecs

Mark Hoover mahoover at ispaceonline.org
Tue Sep 23 21:17:47 UTC 2003

From: Pavel Rosenboim <pavelr at coresma.com>

 >> the _modules_ are of course legal (as in "you can write and use them
 >> yourself"), but you cannot _distribute_ them without the sources,
 >> at least according to the way FSF interprets GPL.
 > Well, NVIDIA distributes its modules without sources, and so do other
 > companies.

Actually, you can see the code to the interface layer.  You just can't 
get the code for the driver itself.  A compromise that I for one am 
willing to live with......

 From the nVidia driver faq:

Q: How can I see the source code to the kernel interface layer?

A: The source files to the kernel interface layer are in the usr/src/nv
    directory of the extracted .run file.  To get to these sources, run:

     sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-4496-pkg1.run --extract-only
     cd NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-4496-pkg1/usr/src/nv/

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