Red Hat Training and Fedora

Alan Cox alan at
Wed Sep 24 11:31:59 UTC 2003

> What happens to past participants in Red Hat Training programs? As of 

>From the FAQ

| The validity period for all RHCEs and RHCTs is now officially pegged
| to the release of the Enterprise product commercially available at the
| time certification was earned, and certification shall
| be current until after one (1) major release of the Enterprise
| product. All RHCEs earned on Red Hat Linux 7.3 or prior will be considered
| current until the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES/WS 4. All RHCEs 
| and RHCTs earned on Red Hat Linux 8.0 or 9 will remain current until the
| release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. Validity and current status of an 
| RHCE certificate will continue to be verified at Certification Central.

> Now let's look at those few who actually hold training certifications 
> from the company. How will Red Hat Certified Engineers fare with the 
> launch of Fedora? Will the new corporate vision vigorously support 
> certification holders in transitioning skills to what is essentially an 
> new business model (and one that might change again in 2 months?) Based 
> on what the company does to trainees, I doubt it.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux is here to stay. Fedora is a way to do cool
community stuff. Which way Red Hat 9 users transition will depend on their
needs (and also our ability to deliver them a product they want...)

> meeting of any sort. Do RHCEs automatically become Fedora Certified 
> Engineers ("FCEs")? Oh my, that doesn't sound right at all, especially 
> if some fool spells that with an additional 'e'. There will certainly be 

There is no plan for any kind of certification for Fedora. Obviously an 
RHCE/RHCT says a lot about the ability to work on Fedora but the business
oriented distribution is Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and it is that which
the RHCE/CT is oriented to.


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