Forumns instead of email?

DAVID BALAZIC david.balazic at
Thu Sep 25 13:27:08 UTC 2003

Jason Montleon <monty19 at> wrote :

>Might I also suggest:
>You can sort by date thread and author.  It's a web interface, you can see
>what topics are current, and you don't have to receive gobs of e-mail; not
>even digest if you don't want, just disable mail delivery.  It also updates
>really quick.  It's not really forums, but I find it does the trick for me,
>although I think it might break threads due to the fact that I'm replying
>with a new e-mail.... not sure about that...........................

It is a trivial excersize to add a "reply(correctly)" button on the web
page. Many/some web mail archives have it, like
( click on the senders email address )

David Balazic
E-mail   : david.balazic at   |     living in  sLOVEnija
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