Install didn't probe my ethernet card

Tom Diehl tdiehl at
Sat Sep 27 16:11:52 UTC 2003

On Sat, 27 Sep 2003, sindre pedersen wrote:

> I chose to upgrade from my redhat 9 system to fedora test2. The install didn't locate my network-card, a RL-8139/8139C/8139C+ which left me without net. My ethernet model wasn't in the list of cards when I tried to add it using redhat-config-network.
> I downloaded the latest stable kernel (using my other computer) and installed it. When I booted it, my networking card was in the list of cards.
> I then rebooted, and here followes the funny part, as I was away from my keyboard for a minute, grub loaded the kernel that came with fedora test2, kernel-2.4.22-1.2061.nptl.
> kudzu first asked me to remove my ethernet card, then told me to configure it. I added my card using redhat-config-network (it was in the list of cards now) and everything worked fine.
> My question to you all is: How come I couldn't get the ethernet card to work at first, but installing the latest stable kernel fixed it?

This appears to be a bug. I am seeing the same thing. kudzu wants to rm it
then reinstall it. the problem is that /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
does not exist. It is installed as ifcfg-eth1. This machine only has 1 NIC.

Kudzu also appears to want to teconfigure it on every boot. Once I mv'd the
config file eth0 works but...

Do you want to bugzilla this or should I. If you do please let me know the number.

......Tom		Registered Linux User #14522
tdiehl at	My current SpamTrap ------->	mtd123 at

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