Extra packages for Fedora Core release 0.94

Jim Drabb JDrabb at tampabay.rr.com
Sun Sep 28 20:19:27 UTC 2003

Ok, I am missing Red Hat 9 already : (
I miss all the extra packages I could install from fedora and sometimes 
from freshrpms and DAG.  Recompiling all the srpms is taking ages.  What 
is everyone else doing?  I also miss synaptic since it let me browse and 
get a nice description for all the packages out there.  yum info is a 
little too much to go through.  Right now I installed apt from fedora 
for 9.0.93 and use that, though I am getting confilcts for certain apps. 
  Will fedora ever have multimedia type applications like mplayer and 
xine?  So is everyone else just compiling all the apps they need for 
Fedora Core release 0.94?  Or are there some good repos out there 
already that I am not aware of?  Right now I have this in my 
/etc/apt/sources.list file:

rpm http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/fedora redhat/0.94/i386 os updates 
stable testing unstable

rpm-src http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/fedora redhat/0.94/i386 os 
updates stable testing unstable

rpm http://ayo.freshrpms.net redhat/rawhide/i386 os
rpm http://ayo.freshrpms.net redhat/9/i386 freshrpms
rpm http://macromedia.mplug.org apt/redhat/0.94 macromedia
rpm http://gstreamer.net/releases redhat/redhat-9-i386 deps redhat

In my /etc/yum.conf file I have:


Are there any other repos out yet, or do I just need to wait until all 
the 9.0.93 are recompiled for 0.94?

Jim Drabb 

James Drabb
Senior Programmer Analyst
Davenport, FL USA

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