test2 initial reactions

Michael Fulbright msf at redhat.com
Mon Sep 29 15:26:57 UTC 2003

On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 10:40, Pekka Pietikainen wrote:

> Ideally people who want a minimal firewall and people who want 4 gigs of 
> graphical gizmos have the same set of packages on the harddrive when
> the machine first boots, the former just doesn't install anything else.
> It gets a bit tricky if you want to leave out X11 etc. though, 
> firstboot for typical users should run in X, but it should be possible 
> to do similar things in text mode too :-)

If you put a comps file on a floppy and run anaconda with 'linux
updates' we use the comps file instead of ours. Create your own install
class and package groups and have fun. Make it as small as you like
(though I would keep the 'Core' group as is or post-install anaconda
will fail because we need some apps).  Looking at the sources for
anaconda you ought to be able to see how the 'Personal Desktop' and
'Server' options work and go from there.

Michael Fulbright
msf at redhat.com

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