Up2Date "size" column

Sean Earp smearp at mac.com
Thu Apr 1 14:34:31 UTC 2004

Hello All-

For as long as I can remember, up2date has always put   0k    in the 
size field for every single package that it offers to update.   If you 
select multiple updates, it will tell you that it has maybe 7k to 
download, when in fact you are downloading 80+ MB of packages.   Is 
there a technological reason for this incorrect representation?  Is 
there any purpose for having the size field displayed when the 
information is completely erroneous?  It has been  a problem for so 
long that I don't know if it should be thrown at bugzilla, or if I (we) 
should just keep living with it.  Any thoughts?


GPG public key:  <http://homepage.mac.com/smearp/seanpgp.asc>

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