mount.cifs fails where nautilus works

BRONC bronc at
Fri Apr 16 18:00:15 UTC 2004

The latest cifs vfs code from seems to correct the "-13 permission 
denied" problems --- at least with arjanv's 2.6.5-1.326 kernel.  I haven't 
tried this with the current development kernel. 

Here are the steps I did to get it to compile: 

1. You will need to have the kernel-source installed. 

2. Download the latest cifs vfs 

3. Un-tar and copy is contents to your /usr/src/linux-2.6.5.???/fs/cifs 
directory, overwriting all the old files. 

4. At this point make modules will fail with an error that reports "too few 
arguments in connect.c (sock_create).  A diff of the connect.c from the 
original test 2 cifs/connect.c showed an extra ", 0" (comma zero) on the 
sock_create line.  Adding this to the new cifs/connect.c allowed it to compile. 

Replace both occurrences of: 

   rc = sock_create(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, csocket); 


   rc = sock_create(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, csocket, 0); 

5.  From the top of you kernel tree do a "make modules modules_install".  Cifs 
should now compile with no errors and mount.cifs should work... at least it
did for me.

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