i8xx graphics boards and X w/ GLX [was: Re: Fedora News Updates #10]

Manuel M T Chakravarty chak at cse.unsw.edu.au
Fri Apr 23 07:26:20 UTC 2004

With current kernels (eg, kernel-2.6.5-1.339) hardware accelerated
OpenGL (xorg-x11-Mesa-libGL-6.7.0-0.5) seems to be broken for machines
with an i8xx graphics chip (eg, all centrino machines and many other
laptops).  This is easily seen by starting "glxgears", which freezes the
machine before the first frame of the OpenGL animation is drawn.

Fedora News Updates #10

>         http://fedoranews.org/colin/fnu/issue10.shtml

indicates that it is 4G/4G which breaks GLX for i8xx boards (referring
to an email by Mark McLoughlin).  Is this indeed the problem?  Or is it
only a guess?  (In which case, I am happy to check by recompiling a
kernel without 4G/4G.)  It just seems a bit silly to forgo GLX for 4G/4G
on a laptop that cannot take more than 2G anyway.

Is there any other information on the problem?


  Manuel M T Chakravarty                                 chak at cse.unsw.edu.au
  School of Computer Science & Engineering
  University of New South Wales, Sydney     http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~chak/

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