preliminary reaction to test3 package

shmuel siegel fedora at
Tue Apr 27 15:03:38 UTC 2004

On the plus side
1)That annoying dialog box saying that there is an Xorg error went away
2) My usb key ring flash disk mounted
3) gok runs
4) my sound card was configured in modprobe

on the minus side
0) tux still hangs X
1) rpm still hasn't figured out that it is legitimate that selinux is
not enabled and issues hundreds of warning messages
2) the security level dialog thinks selinux is active but ls -Z
3) sound still boots muted each reboot
4) possible packaging problem, after extracting all of the installation
file I ran
system-config-packages -t /server2/mnt/iso/iso/
and got the following questionable messages
* core references package losetup which doesn't exist
* core references package yaboot which doesn't exist
* core references package efibootmgr which doesn't exist
* core references package elilo which doesn't exist
* core references package s390utils which doesn't exist
* core references package ppc64-utils which doesn't exist

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