Upgrade to fc2

Leonid Podolny leonid at aduva.com
Thu Feb 5 15:34:11 UTC 2004

Yes, but how do I upgrade FC1 to FC2 test? yum? ftp?
Robert P. J. Day wrote:

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mark Mielke <mark at mark.mielke.cc>
>Sent: Feb 5, 2004 10:17 AM
>To: fedora-test-list at redhat.com
>Subject: Re: Upgrade to fc2
>You've just proven that upgrades from test1 to test2 should not be
>supported. Consider the following:
>valid:    FC1 -> FC2 test1
>valid:    FC1 -> FC2 test2
>valid:    FC1 -> FC2 test3
>valid:    FC1 -> FC2
>invalid:  FC2 test1 -> FC2 test2
>invalid:  FC2 test1 -> FC2 test3
>invalid:  FC2 test1 -> FC2
>invalid:  FC2 test2 -> FC2 test3
>invalid:  FC2 test2 -> FC2
>invalid:  FC2 test3 -> FC2
>  based on seth's recent posting, i can see the complications.  but all
>of the above can be summarized as follows, no?
>1) in a perfect world, you should be able to upgrade from an official
>   release to any later release -- test or otherwise.  certainly, trying to
>   upgrade from FC1 to some FC2-test release is just trying to emulate
>   an eventual real upgrade from FC1 to FC2.  i mean, that's the whole
>   point of the beta test -- to see if that upgrade will work.
>2) there is *no* support for upgrading *from* any test release to 
>   anything else.
>that's it.  two simple rules, right?

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