terminology and the hierarchy of releases

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Mon Feb 9 17:59:51 UTC 2004

> Digging a little deeper, here's what Seth might have been trying to get at
> (and if not, he'll probably correct me.)  There could potentially be
> conflicts running the updates/proposed updates code along side the
> development code.  If nothing else, being subscribed to the proposed
> updates and the development channels would mean that any testing on the
> proposed stuff would be invalidated (as you wouldn't really be sure if the
> failure was the base+updates code, or the bleeding edge development stuff.
> So, as a good scientist, probably best to sticking with just one changing
> variable.

Yes, this is what I was trying to say. I running development with the
other repos enabled makes your tests horribly confusing and not as
useful for the developers.


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