terminology and the hierarchy of releases

Jeremy Katz katzj at redhat.com
Tue Feb 10 04:50:58 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-02-09 at 13:18, Will Backman wrote:
> Yes, by those who frequent this list, but from the amount of questions and
> confusion, it sounds like a FAQ for testers might be helpful.  Sounds like
> I just gave myself a task.  Fedora has a goal of being more open.  With
> more outside participation, it might be useful to education outside
> testers on the procedures that RedHat uses when they prep a release.

This is a great idea (Jef was bugging me for some ideas last week so he
could use them for a bug day or something, but I just haven't had the
spare time).  If you want to start putting something together, I would
be more than glad to review and give feedback.  Also, I'll really try to
sit down tomorrow and come up with a list of the things I can think of,
but that realistically depends on what fires come up.  Also, feel free
to harass me on IRC.


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