Lets take the worst of windows and make it the unchangeable default of linux

Aaron Bennett aaron.bennett at olin.edu
Thu Feb 19 14:00:20 UTC 2004

Alexander Larsson wrote:

>Now, this is my opinion of course, and I don't have billions of dollars
>of research to back it up, but so are all design choices I make in
>Nautilus. There are lots of way a file manager can behave, and we don't
>want them all in the preferences dialog, or all combinations of them
>described in the docs. To avoid this I try to err on the cautious side,
>because once a preference is in its very very hard to get rid of.
Alex --

Maybe I'm missing something, and perhaps I'm too lazy to search through 
the gnome mailing list archives to where the original discussions are, 
but if you could humor me for a minute...

Here is the procedure for copying a file from /home/abennett/music to 
/var/www/html/music using the spatial mode of the nautilus filemanager:

1.  Click "home" -
2.  Click "music" - leaves the "home" window open
3.  Right click on "file"
4.  Close the "home" window
6.  Close the "music" window
7.  Click "computer"
8.  Click "filesystem" -- leaves the "computer" window open
9.  Click "var" -- leaves the "/" window open
10.  Click "www" -- leaves the "var" window open
11.  Click "html" -- leaves the "www" window open
12.  Right click in "html" and select "paste file"
13.  Close "www"
14.  close "html"
15.  close "var"
16.  close "/"
17.  close "computer"

My question is:

Does it seem, to you, in your opinion, that it ought to take 17 mouse 
clicks to copy a file?  It's the leaving the old windows open as 
artificacts that makes this so intolerable.

I'm not accusing you of trying to be like windows here.  Actually, 
windows allows the user the ability to disable this behavior if they 
wish, so being a little bit more "like windows" might not be a bad thing...

Or, am I missing something? 



Aaron Bennett
UNIX Administrator
Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering

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