x86_64 updates

csm at Lunar-Linux.org csm at Lunar-Linux.org
Fri Jan 30 18:27:37 UTC 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 30 Jan 2004, Gene C. spewed into the bitstream:
GC>On Friday 30 January 2004 12:19, csm at Lunar-Linux.org wrote:
GC>> On Wed, 28 Jan 2004, Rob Myers spewed into the bitstream:
GC>> RM>On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 07:24, Rob Myers wrote:
GC>> RM>> i mirrored these for now here:
GC>> RM>>
GC>> RM>> [updates]
GC>> RM>> name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - Updates
GC>> RM>> baseurl=http://null0.routing.org/~rob/www.moongroup.com/fedora/
GC>> RM>>
GC>> RM>> i'll see if i can look at what they're doing with net-snmp in
GC>> RM>> fedora/core/development/x86-64.
GC>> RM>
GC>> RM>i didn't have any trouble rebuilding the net-snmp-5.1-2.1.src.rpm so i
GC>> RM>added that to my mirror of chuck's updates.  i'll try to sync everything
GC>> RM>up with chuck when he returns from boston.
GC>> RM>
GC>> RM>are there any updates that are missing?
GC>> I am still in Boston but I had a moment so I went ahead and added the
GC>> net-snmp stuff to my repository. I dunno why I could not build it but I
GC>> have it in my repository now.
GC>> So... do we have all the updates now?
GC>I have rebuilt gcc-3.3.2-6 for x86_64 .. the package is currently in 
GC>updates/testing.  This fixes a bug in gcc which causes it to go into a loop 
GC>on the x86_64 (I know, I found the bug but, of course, Jakub fixed it).
GC>Is there some way I could upload thse packages directly to your server?  Yes, 
GC>I do have a server that I could upload them to and then you could get them 
GC>from there but I would prefer not to do that.

The machine is the web/mail server for an ISP which turns on on Feb 1st. I 
can't do it... sorry. But I will gladly grab them and post them to the 

- -- 
Lunar Linux Project Lead
Disclaimer: "I am not a curmudgeon! No... really..."
Addendum: "Bwahahaha! Fire up the orbital mind-control lasers!"
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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