Kernel-2.6.7-1.494 and Nvidia Drivers

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at
Wed Jul 28 15:55:37 UTC 2004

On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 10:19:25 -0400, Brian R Smith
<brian at> wrote:
> I just figured there might be _someone_
> on here that would benefit from my encounter.

I'm sure that some user out there will end up eventually googling and
finding your report.
So in the most general sense, you are probably right.. someone will
end up finding your report not unuseful. But certaintly, a report like
this is unuseful to developers since any problems that only happen
when nvidia or other proprietary kernel module take an immense amount
of effort to debug without access to the code. And even if the kernel
developers could diagnose this problem after considerable effort, they
can't necessarily fix the problem if its nvidia driver specific
becuase they don't have access to nvidia's codebase.

Useful reports to developers, whether it be in this mailinglist or
bugzilla or the irc chat, need to be situations that developers can
attempt to reproduce AND diagnose via code review.  There must be a
path towards achievable resolution for it to be worth their time, and
to be useful to them.  So please be considerate the audience you are
trying to reach and use the appropriate forum.  If you want to make
other testers aware of your problems and compare notes with other
testers use fedora-test-list.


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