Newbie: up2date question

Grizzly(Francis Smit) grizzly at
Sat Mar 20 15:56:40 UTC 2004

Thom Rawson wrote:

>Sorry to bother, but I downloaded FC 2 Test to try and help out with the
>testing of stuff, and I was working on getting up2date with the latest
>software.  It seems my up2date selects 3 different places at random to
>download from whenever I restart the up2date.  One is the Fedora site
>(slow), one is a mirror (medium),  and one is another mirror at duke u.
>which is decent but seems to be behind in the latest software.
>I was making good (but slow) progress, so being the fool that I am I
>decided to break something that wasn't broken to begin with.  I tried to
>figure out how to point my up2date somewhere else, but in my haste and
>misunderstanding I tried doing it through the site by
>registering my system.  Now I can't up2date at all b/c the system tells
>me I am not registered on any channels.  Hindsight is 20/20 here and I
>realize my mistake (fc 2 test isn't part of rhn.redhat), but how do I
>reset my up2date back to the "fedora-core-rawhide" channel?
>Sorry to be a nuisance.  Someone with a bit of patience with a new guy,
>can you please help?
>Thanks in advance,
No promises about this being the answer, but I'd try grabbing the rpms 
that installed up2date,
and forcing it over the top, making sure that you're using the exact 
same one of course, uninstall
reinstall should be best, or better yet, find and clean up the config 
file, yum uses /etc/yum.conf

ah here we go,  go to a command line and type>  *man up2date* and you'll 
get the following
       Update Agent has a quite a few configuration options, including 
but not
       limited  to: installing packages after they are downloaded; 
       source RPMs along with binary RPMs; whether or not to upgrade  
       where  the  default configuration file(s) have been modified, and 
       You can change these settings through a graphical interface by  
       *up2date-config*,  or   you  can edit the configuration file 

*So I'd try typing *up2date-config* on a command line (in you're) 
favorite shell/terminal tool
and then using the gui app, otherwise someone else here might know what 
to change in
*/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date, *Good luck mate, hope you're out of trouble 

  In my life God comes first.... but Linux is pretty high after that :-D
Grizzly(Francis Smit)

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