Fedora ftp site?

William Hooper whooperhsd3 at earthlink.net
Sun Mar 21 21:52:18 UTC 2004

Roland Wolters said:
> Once upon a time William Hooper wrote:
>> I don't understand what up2date isn't doing that you want it to.  It
>> seems
>> to me that it is doing exactly what you are asking.  By default it gets
>> a
>> list of mirror servers and picks one.  Alternatively, you can specify
>> your
>> own list of mirrors.  Isn't this exactly what you described:
>> >>>>> I can't understand why Fedora don't add a feature to change the
>> >>>>> mirrors automatically by chance or manual
> It seems to me that the list of mirrors is only a list of not working
> mirrors:

This is not what you originally said.  "Doesn't use mirrors" and "These
specific mirrors have problems" are two different things.

As Seth mentions, rawhide is very difficult to mirror.  It is a lot of
traffic every night, unlike mirroring fedora-updates.

> it never switched to german mirrors I had to add them to the sources list
> for
> my own - and then everything worked great.
> Maybe the only problem was a bad list of mirrors or that up2date do not
> choose
> the mirrors depend on the place were the computer with the fedora is
> located
> to - or am I wrong?

I'm not sure how it will be handled, but it appears that plans for
location based mirror lists are in the works.

Getting the list of default mirrors is pretty easy:

I agree that it is a short list but, because of the amount of traffic that
rawhide generates, I think adding more mirrors would actually make it

William Hooper

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