failure mounting a PLEXTOR CD-R PX-320A

Joao Palhoto Matos jmatos at
Wed Mar 31 09:50:18 UTC 2004


Can someone offer some advice on this one before I dive into bugzilla or 
start swapping hardware?

I have a PLEXTOR CD-R which seems to be correctly identified by the 
hardware browser as a PLEXTOR CD-R PX-320A which used to perform well 
but not frequently (I believe it worked with FC2T1).

Currently mount attempts by root give

[root at a213-22-64-242 root]# mount /dev/cdrom
mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block device

/dev/cdrom is a symbolic link to /dev/hdc

Line in /etc/fstab is
/dev/cdrom              /mnt/cdrom              udf,iso9660 noauto,owner,kudzu,ro 0 0
and was freshly included by kudzu.

Failure happens both with

This is a i386 FC2T2 system (I am not particularly fond of testing
anaconda and burning CDs except for the occasional data backup so I got
here all the way from RH9 using up2date / apt / yum and, hardly using CDs,
not going through any kind of OS install and reading the list; I am
mentioning this because lots of people on this list seem to be unaware of
the possibility and become quite upset with failed CD boots for

João Palhoto Matos           
Departamento de Matemática
Instituto Superior Técnico
Lisboa                                      mailto:jmatos at

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