yum upgrade?

Truls Gulbrandsen trulsg at broadpark.no
Thu Nov 4 21:07:29 UTC 2004

Hash: SHA1

seth vidal wrote:
| On Thu, 2004-11-04 at 08:05 -0500, Jeff Spaleta wrote:
|>On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 14:29:13 -0500, seth vidal <skvidal at phy.duke.edu>
|>>let me know what problems you encounter.
|>have you or anyone you know attempted an fc1->fc3rc upgrade?
| No. I've not. I don't think I would recommend it, either.
| Things you'd need to upgrade first, at least:
| yum, python kernel, glibc, udev
| then reboot
| then upgrade the rest.
| but I've not done that test so I don't know how well it would work, if
| at all.
| -sv
I tried this from fc2 to fc3 using the repository specified in another
mail with this subject.  It didn't work and what happens is:

yum, python, kernel and glibc upgrade works.  Then when trying to
upgrade udev I receive the following error message: < Error: udev
conflicts with kernel< 0:2.6 >

The kernel booting is: 2.6.9-1.649

Then I tried to install udev from synaptic; it seems to work but
synaptic wants to delete a lot of files as part of the installation -
among them kernel#2.6.9-1.649.
Also marked for deletion are bind, etheral,firstboot,gdm, iptables, and
so on, a total of 34 files.
Due to the fact that I don't know the consequences of deleting all these
files I aborted the process.

Any advice here please?

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