FC3 - Has the community given up on up2date?

nodata fedora at nodata.co.uk
Thu Nov 11 21:18:04 UTC 2004

> Has the community given up on up2date?

I think so, yes. If not, why was yum developed?

Personally, I'm a apt person. I find it takes less time to do what I want
it to do: apt certainly starts faster, and the search facility is much
better, but yum does have that nice groupinstall option.

Another advantage of apt is that it still works when you break your python

up2date can't handle 404s, it just dies. up2date's gui will blank out all
important information. I'm guessing it's a threading problem - I don't

A healthy bit of competition between yum and apt is always good, but I
can't see a good reason for up2date any more - is there one? :)

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