FC4t2 no good without LILO

William Hooper whooperhsd3 at earthlink.net
Wed Apr 13 12:26:30 UTC 2005

Res said:
>> You're missing a huge part of the picture. Having lilo the package
>> (even
>> though as you note, it's not really maintained) might not be much, but
>> it requires a lot of complicated kludgy infrastructure in the installer,
>> and in mkinitrd, etc., and makes kernel updates very fragile.
> what utter crap! we always build our own kernels using the std makefile
> and the source from kernel.org, if you can compile a kernel then ur done
> either way, nothing else to do

So you always compile your own vanilla kernels instead of using the Core
provided ones.  Despite that, you somehow find installing a non-Core
provided boot loader an huge burden?

William Hooper

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