compiler problem

Robin Green greenrd at
Wed Apr 13 13:10:07 UTC 2005

On Wed, 13 Apr 2005, Al Kroeger wrote:
> I have this little convenience program I like to use called setnumlock.  It 
> can be found/downloaded at 
> I've used it on every FC release since FC2.  It will set numlock at login.
> When I try to install it with FC4t2, I get this error;
> # make
> gcc  -L/usr/X11R6/lib Numlock.o -o setnumlock -lX11 -lXtst
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lX11

That means it cannot find a library called (you have to mentally 
substitute "-l" with "lib" and [usually] add ".so"). Because that package 
is from suse linux, and different linux distributions have different package
names and indeed different packaging structures, you need to find out which
Fedora Core 4 test 2 package contains "".

The best way to find out is probably to use

Unfortunately it doesn't index the test releases, but the last stable 
release (in this case, fedora core 3) will _usually_ have the same package 
name for what you are looking for.

So you would check "Fedora 3" and uncheck everything else, and type in 
"". That gives you a whole bunch of results, but you can clearly 
see that the package name you need is xorg-x11-devel.

So: yum install xorg-x11-devel
should fix your problem.

(Don't download a package from the search results on 
directly, unless you have to. It is less safe than yum with gpg checks, 
and you won't get the benefit of yum's automatic dependency resolution.)

> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

If you get that message, it means you already have a compiler, so you 
don't need to install the compiler, you already have it.

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