FC4t2 no good without LILO

William Hooper whooperhsd3 at earthlink.net
Fri Apr 15 15:28:48 UTC 2005

Paul Iadonisi said:
> The bootloader, on the other hand, is a bit difficult to replace
> if it's not, at a minimum, included on the install media.

I don't see why.  IIUC booting into the running system isn't a requirement
to set up LILO.  For example, one could boot a Tomsrtbt and install LILO
from there.

If you aboslutely must go the RPM route, others have pointed out that the
RPM is only a little over 500K, so you have pleanty of room to spare on a
floppy (or a quick network copy by booting the install CD in rescue mode).

William Hooper

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