Fortune Program -Moving->RE: Wanda is broken

Patrick Barnes nman64 at
Sat Apr 23 16:25:26 UTC 2005

It is highly unlikely that fortune will make it back in to Core with its
current quotes. If we had an assortment of packages of quotes available,
then one which contains no controversial quotes could be included, along
with fortune (or a similar program), in the Core. Additional quotes
(including the current ones) could be provided through Extras or other
third-party repositories. The first step would be to produce these
packages. The second step would be to get them into Extras, and the
final step would be to rally support for moving the key packages into Core.

We must be careful not to offend users. Quotes that could be seen by
anyone as offensive, or which may be protected by trademarks must be
avoided. Clever puns related to Linux are the best candidates. Quotes
like "There's no place like ~", while they may not be as interesting to
many people, are unlikely to offend anyone.

-Patrick "The N-Man" Barnes

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