More bugs on Final Version!

Γώρκας Δημήτριος blackman at
Tue Jun 14 07:30:34 UTC 2005

Although had been pointed out before this bug still exists in final 
1) Installing FC4 64 with reiserfs system the system fails to boot since 
it' can't mount the root fs!!!
2) I own an AMD 64bit 3200+ the gnome applet that show the cpu speed 
complains that it can not  manage the cpu speed so my cpu is stack at 
2Ghz even when cpu time is 0%. Cool and quiet which was WORKING on fc4 
rc3 use to slow down my cpu at 800Mhz when cpu load was low and the 
gnome applet worked fine!
3) XMMS is missing! Nice... who needs the famous xmms??
4) my favorite editor jed is missing... nice Now I have to turn to vi???
 and more to come as I look in to it the following days!!!
Anyway it still mych better then FC3!!!
Nice job, thainks !

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