Adobe reader 7.0

Simon Hjorth Bøggild hjorth at
Tue Mar 22 15:17:07 UTC 2005

nodata wrote:

>>Anyone who can get AdobeReader 7.0 working on their FC4-test1?
>>I get the following error message:
>>/usr/local/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Reader/intellinux/bin/acroread: error while
>>loading shared libraries:
>>/usr/local/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Reader/intellinux/lib/ cannot
>>restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied
>>Any ideas to what is going wrong?
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>Is selinux on?
>Do you have the compat libraries installed?
>What does ldd say?
[hjorth at langholt ~]$ rpm -q compat-libstdc++-33

[hjorth at langholt ~]$ ldd /usr/local/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/bin/acroread
        not a dynamic executable
Not sure if this is the command you want me to execute?

SELinux was turned on, turning it off did the job, AcrobatReader works 
after disabling SELinux. Is there a way to have it working with SELinux 
switched on?


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